FaceBook Meta 推出独立 AI 图像生成器

Meta 推出独立 AI 图像生成器

在线地址: https://imagine.meta.com/

Meta 发布了一个免费的文本图像生成网站 Imagine with Meta AI。它的图像生成器是基于其 Emu 图像合成模型,用了 11 亿 Instagram 和 Facebook 上公开可见的照片训练。你的 Facebook 或 Instagram 的公开照片很可能被用于训练 Emu 了,不想被训练的话可以将自己的照片设为私有。

Instagram 上每天上传的照片数以亿计,Meta 只使用了很小一部分去训练其模型。在 Imagine with Meta AI 上输入提示词,它会返回四张 1280×1280 像素的图像,可以以 JPEG 格式下载保存,图像左下方会打上水印 Imagined with AI。

它目前对美国用户免费使用,并且每个提示都会生成四个图像。此前,Meta 图像生成模型因带有种族偏见的图像贴纸而面临争议。为了解决此类问题,Meta 表示将开始向 Imagine with Meta 生成的图像添加隐形水印,这些水印将由人工智能模型生成,并可由相应模型检测,以提高内容透明度。

Create a Meta account with your Facebook account?

This will help you easily access features that work across our products.
To create your account, we'll combine and use your info across accounts
•We'll provide you with controls over connected experiences
•We'll personalize ads for you and others and measure how they perform
•We'll personalize content and suggestions for you and others
•We'll adjust some account info and settings to match across accounts, which you can manage anytime
•We'll suggest friends and accounts to follow
•We'll improve our products and provide optional activities that span across them

Your accounts will be added to the same Accounts Center for the above uses.
You can remove accounts from the same Accounts Center at any time in Settings.
We'll stop combining your info across these accounts for the above uses within 15 days after you remove them. Your previously combined info would remain combined.

Learn more about this and other ways we use your info across accounts.